When and How Founded

The Surry Historical Society was founded by an enthusiastic group of women back in 1982.  Among those initially involved were Jane Lord, Elaine Jones, Nell Adams, Marion Overlock, Helen McGraw, Ann Sawyer, and Doreen Abernathy.  Of these founding officers, Jane Lord stands out as one of the most dedicated and as having served for the longest time, having recently filled the office of President of the Society until June of 2016.  We are fortunate to have enjoyed Jane’s long continuity of service stretching from our founding to our present.

Current Officers and Board Members

The current slate of officers of the Surry Historical Society is as follows.  Click on the email address to send a message.

President: John Curtis (president@surryhistoricalsociety.com)
Vice-President: Cathy Engel (vice-president@surryhistoricalsociety.com)
Secretary: Holly Hendricks (secretary@surryhistoricalsociety.com)
Treasurer: Audrey Carter (treasurer@surryhistoricalsociety.com)
Historian: Wayne Smith (historian@surryhistoricalsociety.com)
Publicity: John Curtis (publicity@surryhistoricalsociety.com)
Building Superintendent: (vacant) (building@surryhistoricalsociety.com)
Fore and Aft Editor: Terry Higgins (editor@surryhistoricalsociety.com)

Additional Board Members:
Ruth Brenninkmeyer
Cathy Engel
Jane Lord
Susan McDonald
Bob Milliken
Gary Sargent
Joy Small
Jane Smith